Stockton Street

Stockton Street

39 Stockton Street, San Francisco, CA 94108

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Contact Information:

Property Manager:

Buniel Chang

(323) 289-6338

Leasing Associate:

Ivan Aguilera

(855) 647-0738

39 Stockton is a high street retail building located on Stockton Street between Market Street and O’Farrell, in San Francisco, CA. The Property is located in one of the most coveted retail markets in the country, with a short walk to Union Square. Approximately 410,319 people live within a 3-mile radius and earn an average household income of $204,876.

GLA: 10,387

MSA: San Francisco, CA

Total Available Spaces: 1

Site Plan
View on LoopNet
Radius 1 Mile 3 Mile 5 Mile
Population 135,935 410,319 661,228
Average Household Income $155,029 $204,876 $205,788
Median Household Income $106,725 $137,096 $135,352

Property Brochure


Property Site Plan


Tenant Credit Application
